Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Special: Tackle

Jab Tackle

The jab can be used as a form of delay either to dispossess a player with the ball if the ball is away from the stick or to tempt the player to take their eyes off the ball and possibly lose possession.

Coaching Points
:: the stick jabs out towards the ball with the left hand
and then returns to both hands
:: after the jab the defender returns to the original
balanced position
:: the grip on the stick will change slightly, the hands turn,
usually palms upwards

Click here to see video

Open side Block Tackle

Coaching Points
:: Strong low body position and balanced ready to move
:: Left foot forward, right foot back
:: Stick on the ground or "hovering" slightly above the ground
:: Position of feet and stick make a strong triangle
shaped base
:: Tackle must be positive and strong with feet balanced
:: Stick face angled towards the ball
:: The tackle should be timed at the right moment (as ball
momentarily leaves attackers stick) initiated by a jab to
put player off or as player looses control.
:: The defender?s stick should not be flat on the ground as
this is a safety issue. The defender could be injured by the
attacker as the head is down too low and the attacker could
take advantage of this over commitment by using a low lift.
Flat stick only when attacker stationary or moving very

Click here to see video

Lets practise!

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