Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Special: Short Corner Defence

Short Corner Defence 2 - 2

:: Setup the defence as shown with defenders on each post and a runner on each post.

Player 1 runs to the top of the cirlce with Player 2 running on their right hand side, but only 3/4 of the way out. Player 2 is their to put pressure on any slip left or pass back to the injector.

Players 3 and 4 are responsible for picking up any rebounds of the keeper as well as adjusting their position to close down any moves the attack might try.

Short Corner Defence 3-1

:: Setup the defence as shown with 2 defenders inside the goal on either post.
:: In front of them are two runners.

Once the ball is injected Player 1 runs to the top of the circle, with player 2 running 3/4s of the way on their right hand side to cover the slip left. Player runs out on Player no 1s left hand side and runs level with Player 2. Player 4 comes 3 to 4 paces off the line to sweep the pads of the goalkeeper.

Coaching Points
:: Its important that Players 2 and 3 do not commit
themselves and instead try to read the corner.

Click here to see video

Lets practise!

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