Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Special: Passing and Receiving

Exercise 1

Round the Gate

2 Players,1 ball. They have to pass the ball through the gate to their partner who, on receiving the ball has to 1st touch the ball wide of either the left or right cone. Then with his/her 2nd touch, pass the ball back.

Coaching Points
:: Make sure players stay behind the cones.
:: To go right play ball next to body
:: To go to left play ball infront of body

Exercise 2:

:: Split the group in half.
:: The white team each have a ball.

The blue team position themselves statically around the area. Players with the ball make a pass to one of the static players, to then receive the ball back again and look to pass to the next static player - (1 minute, see how many passes you can make.)

Click here to see video

Lets practise!

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