Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Special :: Break Defenses, lead the Attack

Dear Hockey Player,

Is it possible to play too safe?

This week a colleague said to me, "We kept great possession, but did not make any progress forward in attack." Having discussed the problem further we came to conclusion that the team was playing great possession hockey and players were supporting the players with the ball offering easy passes sideways or backwards, but the team was failing to transform all this possession into attacking opportunities.

So this week we look at transforming possession into attacking possession and encourage players to make leading runs into space and for the player on the ball to see the runs and make the passes which break the gain line and create opportunities.

Key skills in this weeks session: Passing and switching positions, Moving ahead of the ball, Through Pass!

Moving ahead of the ball

Pass and follow. Player 1 passes the ball to player 2 Player 3 runns one way then back to receive the ball to continue and shoots at goal.

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