Friday, September 5, 2008

Special: Games Related Drills

In this edition I will show some practices to improve the players drills.

Game related Drills
Attacking the circle

Players 1 and 2 play a 2 v 1 against the first defender, before then moving on to the second defender. They then run into the circle and try and score. Players 3 and 4 go into the circle to help with rebounds.

Rotation, players 1 and 2 become the rebounders.

Coaching Points
To start with restrict the one defender to defend outside
23m area and one between 23m line and circle
Players do not need to pass to beat the defender.

Change the Point of Attack

2 teams both with a ball. The object is for one of the wingers to get to the back line without being tackled. For a tackler to be released by the other team, the tackler has to receive and leave the ball in the coned area.

When one of the wingers is threatened the team should try and change the point of attack by passing the ball via every player to the other side. To release the other tackler, the ball has to be passed via sweeper.

Lets practise!

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