It may seem a lot, but there is a lot of variety in there to help keep it all interesting. You should tailor make your programme to suit your needs and anticipated level of achievement.
Try to fit these sessions into your daily routine, so they become a habit not a chore. Situps, pushups and stability exercises to develop core stability can be at home after work. Weekly, you should be doing 3 aerobic sessions (road, Leah sessions, etc), 2 home gym sessions and then a sprint session. Stretching should occur prior to every session.
The examples are designed for the Preparation Phase of the season - often refered to as "training to train", this training phase is key to building a base for the start of the season.
Weekly Plan
A day by day program of what each player has to complete has not been provided as each player will have different responsibilities and commitments. It is up to you to look at your work, social and other commitments and schedule the training sessions around these. If you structure your time properly you should be able to schedule the aerobic and weight sessions to follow each other. Try to schedule at least 1 complete day of rest into your training week.
Below is an example of a weekly training plan. This can be manipulated to suit the personal needs of different athletes. Different players will train on different days and some may have games on Wednesdays as well. The plan centres around match days. Green training sessions should be performed on the day prior to a match to ensure the athlete does not suffer from fatigue affecting match day performance. Post match days should be rest or very light days depending on the athletes’ preference. Red days should be followed by green or orange sessions to ensure the athlete does not suffer from over training.

As different positions have different requirements within the game of hockey the type of training sessions will be different. Below is a table to be used as a rough guide for the number of each type of training session to be performed.
Session Type/Numbers p/Week Defenders Midfielders Attackers
Speed 1 1 1-2
Repeated Sprints 2 2-3 1-2
Resistance 1 1 1
Core 0-1 0-1 0-1
Flexibility 0.5 0-1 0-1
NB For the resistance program it is important that you realise that the emphasis is on the mechanics of the movement and not on the weight lifted. It is better that you to do the exercise with minimal weight and do them properly than do them incorrectly. The movement patterns involved are important to your speed strength and co-ordination of body movements on the hockey pitch. As well as a key influence in injury prevention.
Do not be afraid to train twice in one day, however, each session should be a different style. Allow sufficient rest in-between sessions.
Lets practise!